Saturday, 5 November 2016

Media Coverage of R(Miller) v Secretary of State for exiting the European Union

Media Coverage about Brexit Court Case


Like many media outlets, the BBC coverage of the court case brought by Gina Miller has been totally misleading.

This case was primarily about the British constitution and the Sovereignty of Parliament.

Please read the Court Verdict, at least the summary, and report the facts.

In brief it said If parliament votes to execute plan A and a law is then enacted for Plan A, then the executive cannot repeal Plan A without the authority of Parliament.

Relating this to Article 50, says that Parliament passed an Act to join the EU, therefore Parliament must give its consent to leave the EU.

The court also said that once article 50 is triggered that it cannot be reversed and that triggering article 50 therefore was effectively that statute for leaving the EU.

Most of the so called experts in this case failed, miserably, to identify the proper context and meaning of the case.

Also, please note that if the UK cannot agree terms for leaving the EU, it will leave automatically 2 years after article 50 is triggered, unless there is unanimous agreement by all EU member countries and the UK to grant an extension.

In this case the standard of BBC reporting has fallen far below what is expected and what once gained the BBC their enviable reputation.
In the case of the printed media, their standards have fallen so low that their content would be more appropriate in some fan rag of whichever cause they try to fool the British people with.